Boarding is often seen as the ‘complete’ educational experience.
When students become boarders they are joining a special community based on the campus. Students and staff live alongside each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect and learn from each other in a safe and beautiful environment. The community is a warm and welcoming place.
Boarding often leads students to forge friendships that can last a lifetime. They share so much with their peers and get to know them better than anyone outside their own family: it is this sharing of the experience of boarding life and of growing through the teenage years together that makes friendship and bonds that can last a lifetime.
The Concord College International School boarding model is based on a concept of ‘Coming Home to Care.’ This means that there is always a member of staff in the residence when boarding students are there. This ensures that young people have a ‘parent figure’ easily available at all times. Age-appropriate routines with more structure and support for the youngest boarders will encourage increasing independence over time to prepare the older students for the challenges of life beyond school. This care is delivered by Boarding Parents, Assistant Boarding Parents and Pastoral Assistants.
The purpose-built residences on the campus will offer comfortable accommodation all within easy walking distance of other campus facilities. Boys and girls will be accommodated in separate areas of the residences and students of a similar age will be located together on different floors. Students will each have their own individual study bedroom with ensuite shower. All floors will have a pantry and area for the students to socialise as well as a staff office.
The residence will have a welcoming reception area with a staffed snack bar and common room on the ground floor. The Medical Care Centre will also be located on the ground floor.
The aims of our boarding community are:
- To create a community that ensures the safety and welfare of its students in an environment where they can be both healthy and happy.
- To provide an environment in which students can develop their intellectual talents through well-structured study time, access to staff and other students in an atmosphere which values effort and achievement.
- To provide a range of activities related to age and maturity that will assist in the personal, social and cultural development of each student.
- To provide accommodation that is comfortable and suitable to the needs of boarders according to their age and which provides appropriate levels of privacy.
- To provide an atmosphere that allows pupils to develop a tolerance of others and to live free of harassment and bullying.
- To develop each boarder’s responsibility for self, for others and for their environment.
- To develop students’ qualities of leadership and their ability to work as a team.
- To develop relationships with parents in support of students’ development within College.