Concord Secondary & Sixth Form (Year 7 - 13/ A Level)
The Secondary School consists of a Middle School comprising Year 7 and 8 students who will be offered a broad curriculum, a Senior School comprising Year 9 to 11 students preparing for their IGCSE examinations, and the Sixth Form, where Year 12 and 13 students will have the opportunity to take three or four A level subjects.
Middle School
In the Middle School (Years 7 and 8), all subjects are taught by specialist teachers in dedicated classrooms where teachers build relationships and cater to each student’s learning needs. Lessons and activities are taught to develop students’ core knowledge, skills and understanding to have a seamless transition into Senior School (IGCSE programme). The Middle School programme will consist of the following :
- English
- Mathematics
- Science: including Biology, Chemistry and Physics
- Humanities: Economics / Geography / History and Global Perspectives or Islamic Studies
- Languages: Mandarin plus either Bahasa Malaysia or Spanish
- Art
- Physical Education
- English, Mathematics or Science test on rota
- Assembly or extended time with academic tutor (PSHE)
- Compulsory afternoon activity session (drama, musical activities, games)
Senior School
In the Senior School (Years 9 to 11), students will begin the programme that culminates in IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations administered by CAIE (Cambridge Assessment International Education) at the end of year 11.
The three-year core programme will consist of the following subjects:
- English for higher level students includes preparation for both English and English Literature IGCSEs. Middle levels take English Language only. English as an Additional Language (EAL) students sit IGCSE English as a 2nd language.
- Science – All students will follow a course leading to IGCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with three periods per week in each subject.
- Mathematics – All students will take IGCSE Mathematics, and higher-level students will also be given the opportunity to take IGCSE Additional Mathematics.
- PE & Games
In addition, Year 9 students will also study the following subjects:
- Humanities: Economics / Geography / History and Global Perspectives or Islamic Studies
- Languages: Mandarin plus either Bahasa Malaysia or Spanish
- Creative Subjects: Art, Music, and Drama
Then in Year 10, they will choose one subject from each of the following options.
- Art, Computer Science, Bahasa Malaysia, or Spanish
- Geography, Mandarin, or Music
- Economics, Drama, Bahasa Malaysia, or English Support (for students who require extra help with English)
- Global Perspectives or Islamic Studies
Students in the Senior School will also have three 30-minute tests each Saturday morning (two per week in Year 9) on a three-week rota for each subject.
Sixth Form
In the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13), students have the opportunity to take three or possibly four A level subjects. AS level exams will be sat at the end of Year 12. For Cambridge International A levels, the marks obtained will then contribute towards the A level grade at the end of Year 13. The one exception to this will be students taking both Mathematics and Further Mathematics A levels, who will take the first Mathematics A level in Year 12.
The International Project Qualification (IPQ) is a course equivalent to half an A level and offers the chance to complete a research project in an area of academic interest. Students applying for this option would begin this in Year 12 and submit their work in Year 13. Before being accepted onto the course, students will be assessed to ensure they have the necessary skills and commitment to undertake a project in addition to their other work.
All Year 12 students will be assessed for English, and EAL students will be assigned to an EFL course in addition to their other academic courses leading to the IELTS English exam in Year 13, which qualifies students for university.
Students can choose a core programme of three subjects from amongst the four groups below:
- Mathematics
- Biology, English A level, or Further Mathematics
- Chemistry, Economics, or Art
- Physics, Geography, or Chemistry
They can choose to supplement the core programme with either an IPQ, or a 4th A level choice, with a view to providing as much breadth in their profiles as possible.
Please note that an A level in Further Mathematics is only available as a 4th A level choice, in combination with A level Mathematics, and two further choices from groups 3 & 4; most likely Physics and either Chemistry or Economics. The Further Mathematics course will be taught at an accelerated pace, and is challenging, and therefore only suitable for students with the strongest Mathematics and Additional Mathematics IGCSE results (or equivalent).
Students in the Sixth Form will also have typically two 45-minute tests each Saturday morning on a two-week rota for each subject.