Thank you for your response!

Based on your responses, it sounds like your child might be an excellent candidate for our Concord Primary Foundation Award! We would like to invite you to bring your child to Concord College for pre-assessment to take the next step in their educational journey and discover their full potential.

About Concord Primary Foundation Award 2024/2025

Concord Primary Foundation Awards are for exemplary students who demonstrate great overall potential. The award offers remission of tuition fees of up to 50%, with additional remission for qualified children of Concord alumni. Awards are granted at the discretion of the committee and require recipients to complete their Primary education at Concord College International School. Continued awards depend on academic progress, exemplary behaviour, active engagement in enrichment programmes, and being a community role model.

What are the criteria for applying for the Concord Primary Foundation Award?
  • Aged 7 - 11 years.
  • Open to students currently studying locally in Malaysia.
  • International students may apply.
Which year groups are the awards for?
  • The Concord Primary Foundation Award is available for students enrolling at Concord.
  • Primary in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
How long is the duration of the award?
  • For the duration of Primary education at Concord College International School.
What is the application process for the award?

Step 1: What documents to submit?

  1. Completed application form
  2. Documents as specified in the application form (please refer to CCIS Application Form)
  3. Additional documents required are:
    1. Completed Concord Primary Foundation Award Parent Questionnaire,
    2. Any appropriate and relevant records for review (ie. awards, certificates, extra-curricular information).


Step 2: Required to sit for:

  • English Assessment (reading & writing)
  • Mathematic Assessment
  • CAT4 Assessment (for Year 5 and Year 6 applicants only)
  • Interview and complete response task
When will selected candidates be announced?
  • Successful candidates will be announced on the 25th July 2024, Thursday.
  • No assessment or acceptance fees are required.
What is excluded from the Award?
  • RM5000 term deposit (refundable)
  • Meal fees
  • Transportation fees
When is the applicant submission dateline?

Submissions are by Wednesday, 12th July 2024, Friday before 5pm.

Concord Primary

Year 1-6 | Age 5-10

Moving through each phase of the UK National Curriculum, students are guided to ensure they are well-prepared for the transition into Secondary School. Concord Primary includes provision for students in:

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 - Year 2)

Upon entering Year 1, students continue to build upon the foundation set in previous years with a focus on learning to read fluently as part of our rigorous phonics programme.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - Year 6)

In Key Stage 2, is a consolidation of learning, skill development and mastery of the curriculum encourages students to become independent and responsible young adults as they prepare for their departure from Primary.



Physical Education


Within the core curriculum, students from Year 1 onwards are offered English and Mathematics taught daily as discrete subjects, supported by coverage of Science, Humanities, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Computing within our Integrated Curriculum.

Students will also have an opportunity to engage in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) themes that serve to enhance our Integrated Curriculum through project-based learning and further reinforce our rigorous and creative academic environment.

Education serves as a pillar in the lives of children, and I consider it a privilege to contribute to the teaching and learning of young minds in an outstanding institution. It is my belief that equipping children with a set of practical life skills in line with this ethos will support their future achievements and successes.
Mrs. Rosanna Kirkbride
Founding Head of Primary Concord College International School, Malaysia


Managing emotions
Noticing & Absorbing




Making links




Students at Concord Primary will be taught lessons in core subjects by their Class Teacher and will also have specialist lessons taught by subject specialist teachers.

Core Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Curriculum
    • Science
    • History
    • Geography
    • PSHE
    • Computing
    • STEAM

Specialist Subjects

  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Mandarin
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Agama (optional)

About Concord College International School

Main Hall, Concord College UK

Concord College International School (CCIS) is set to open in September 2024, following in the footsteps of its hugely successful sister school, Concord College, UK, which has more than 7 decades of academic heritage. Just in 2023 alone, Concord College was named the winner of the Independent Schools of the Year award for the best international Student Experience.

Rosanna Kirkbride originates from Toronto, Canada and is a graduate of the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in English and Political Science. She then completed her teacher training at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia and is currently pursuing a master’s in education from the University of Bath.

Whilst in Australia, Mrs Kirkbride developed a great passion for education and returned to her home country to teach at a native Canadian school in Northern Ontario. Shortly after she moved to the United Kingdom where she taught at primary schools in East London and Essex. Following her time in the UK, Mrs Kirkbride then moved to an international school in Seoul, South Korea where she held the posts of Head of Year, Literacy Coordinator, Lead Safeguarding Trainer, and Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinator.

Most recently, Mrs Kirkbride has served as the Founding Head of Primary at an international school in Malaysia, assisting with the physical development of the site and successfully establishing the Primary School’s internal structures. She has also served as the Vice-Chair of Primary Heads within the Association of International Malaysian Schools. She is now the Founding Head of Primary at Concord College International School, Malaysia.

“Education serves as a pillar in the lives of children, and I consider it a privilege to contribute to the teaching and learning of young minds in an outstanding institution. At Concord Primary, we take pride in helping parents raise children in addition to educating them. We foster the growth and development of children through our ethos, Rigour, Kindness, and Creativity. It is my belief that equipping children with a set of practical life skills in line with this ethos will support their future achievements and successes. Through the delivery of a rigorous curriculum Concord Primary sets the foundation in academic subjects to prepare students for Secondary School.

Our highly dedicated team of educators reinforce values that promote kindness and creativity to develop students into respectful and responsible members of our global community. Working closely with our Concord families, we look forward to celebrating the achievements of your children.”

Dr Phil Outram read Mathematics for his undergraduate degree at Queens’ College Cambridge. He completed his Doctorate degree at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, before moving to the University of Durham where he spent six years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. His research focused on using large state-of-the-art surveys of distant active galaxies to probe the evolution of large-scale structure in the universe. Whilst in Durham, Dr Outram’s responsibilities included teaching and supporting the undergraduate and postgraduate students, and he took the decision to switch to secondary education, taking up a position as a teacher of mathematics at Rugby School.

He moved to Concord College UK in 2008 and immediately fell in love with the vibrant atmosphere there, where students show friendship, compassion, humility, and integrity to match their passion to learn and determination to succeed. Dr Outram has been Assistant Principal at Concord College for twelve years, with responsibilities including examinations and enrichment. He has a passion for travelling and hill-walking and has taken Concord students on many expeditions to destinations including Costa Rica, Madagascar, Bolivia, and Kenya.

Dr Outram will be moving to Malaysia at the end of the academic year and taking up the position of the Founding Head of Secondary at Concord College International School.

“We live in a world of wonders where technology is revolutionising all aspects of our lives, from an explosion in social media and driverless cars, to dramatic medical advances from sequencing the human genome. For young people growing up in this exhilarating new world, the possibilities are boundless. However, they will also face many challenges, with our rapidly expanding population using resources at a rate never previously seen, and polluting our world to an extent that wildlife, habitats, and even our climate, are threatened on an unprecedented scale. Technological advances such as artificial intelligence with quantum computing could enable us to find new solutions to problems that currently seem impossible. New inventions, innovations and discoveries require curiosity and creativity, and a Concord education will embrace these values by bringing excitement and joy to the classroom and inspiring our students to always question and want to discover more. However, with ever increasing competition, I believe that a rigorous education, ensuring that our students stand out from the crowd, is more crucial than ever. Our students entering this world will become its next leaders. Kindness and international cooperation are central to the ethos of Concord College International School, and, in my view, it is most important that our education should instil these values in them, to guide them to make the best possible decisions when addressing the challenges of the mid-21st century.”

Neil Hawkins was educated at Robinson College Cambridge, where he studied History. His 34-year of career in education started in 1989 as a teacher. He has taught and led in some of the UK’s finest schools in a career that has been marked by success and high achievement. He was Principal of Concord College UK from 2005 to 2021 during which time Concord College doubled in size, clarified its ethos, transformed its measurable outcomes and became recognised as one of the UK’s Top 5 performing schools. During this time, he was also Chair of Governors of a top performing UK primary school. His record of shaping and leading success in education is clear.

Described as an ‘educational visionary’, Mr Hawkins is now the Global Principal of Concord College International Ltd and is the Founding Executive Principal of Concord College International School, Malaysia. Mr Hawkins is also the Chair of Befrienders Worldwide, one of the world’s largest emotional support networks.

“It is my honour to welcome you to Concord College International School, Malaysia.

Our children have just one chance to be young and one chance to prepare for adulthood.    This time is precious.  It is my aim to ensure that our wonderful new school maximises opportunities and prepares children for tomorrow.  Of course, this is what all schools aim to do.  However, this is not always achieved.  Here at CCIS we will educate children using the highly successful Concord ethos of Rigour, Kindness, and Creativity.   This ethos fuses the best of western and eastern global education traditions while recognising that we all thrive when we are treated with respect and with kindness.

It is my aim that CCIS will not just be a good school but will become one of the top schools in Malaysia and in the region.  This will be achieved by children, educators and parents working together to deliver the central Concord ethos, while recognising that each child is unique and is constantly changing and developing.  My experience as an educator has taught me that the quest for high standards and good discipline is the bedrock of educational success.  When this is linked with the fostering of curiosity and creative problem solving, measurable success is achieved.  If we then act with decency and in a spirit of harmony, our families, communities and societies benefit.

Welcome to Concord College International School.”